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CSE hires Canadians with a wide range of skills, experiences and perspectives because diversity makes us stronger. We offer exciting career opportunities for both professionals and students. We are team players, pathfinders, and problem solvers, all different, all united by a common mission: protecting Canada and Canadians.
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Transcript - CSE: The most important organization you've never heard of.
Music intensity increases
An employee from CSE’s Foreign Signals Intelligence directorate (SIGINT employee, hereafter) is working at her desk in front of computer monitors.
Closeup of the SIGINT employee writing on a notepad branded with CSE’s tagline “CSE: The most important organization you’ve never heard of.”
A meeting notification pops up on the computer screen, it reads: Daily Intelligence Briefing in 5 minutes.
SIGINT employee gathers papers and puts them inside of a black folio with the CSE badge embossed on the front.
Closeup on SIGINT employee’s feet as she walks down a hallway and enters a boardroom.
Narrator: CSE is the Communications Security Establishment.
Narrator: With a career at CSE, you’re helping to protect Canada.
SIGINT employee makes her way to the head of the table where a diverse group of people are meeting.
Narrator: As an intelligence analyst, you help Canada respond to foreign threats, like extremist groups and hostile states.
The SIGINT employee speaks to the meeting attendees while handing out papers. A very large monitor on the wall behind her reads “The Transnational Extremist Threat”.
Narrator: Your work helps keep Canadians safe.
A team lead from the cybersecurity directorate (Cyber employee, hereafter) points to a large wall mounted touch screen with a diagram titled “Compromise Overview” while discussing with colleagues.
Narrator: Defending Canada against cyber threats is a serious responsibility.
The manager of a corporate services team (Corporate employee, hereafter) discusses an onscreen infographic titled “Campaign Budget and Forecast, Fiscal Year Overview” with a colleague.
Narrator: You'll be protecting Canada from cyber criminals who want to disrupt the essential networks that support our society and economy.
Corporate employee and colleague conduct an interview.
Narrator: But it's not just high-tech jobs... CSE's people come from a variety of backgrounds and skillsets. Everyone brings something unique to the table.
Corporate employee stands at a podium delivering a presentation on a large projector screen titled “Fostering Growth and Development within your Team”.
Closeup of a CSE Corporate award plaque reads “Alex Martin… For your exceptional contribution to advancing CSE’s mission through technical excellence”.
Narrator: We have the innovation you'd find at a startup, but it's not about the bottom line... It's about protecting Canadians.
A wide shot of the atrium in CSE’s Edward Drake Building (EDB) as a diverse group of people move about.
Narrator: That sense of purpose brings people together.
CSE employees work out together in the gym at EDB.
Narrator: There's a feeling of community that goes beyond the work.
A man is seen painting the sidewalk outside of the EDB to resemble the Progress Pride flag.
SIGINT employee gathers some documents and places them inside a cabinet and closes it.
Narrator: Yes, there are parts of the job that we can't talk about outside the office, but that's a good thing! It means work stays at work.
Music intensity decreases
Narrator: And at the end of every day, we know we helped make a difference.
SIGINT employee receives instant message on screen from a colleague Robert LeBlanc, it reads “The operation was a success. Thanks again for that report!”
Narrator: Foreign signals intelligence…
Cyber employee is standing in front of a large wall mounted touchscreen, surrounded by colleagues drawing check marks onscreen to signify completed tasks.
Narrator: Cyber security…
Corporate employee stands smiling next to a window, looking outside of the EDB as people are seen chatting in small groups.
Narrator: It's all about protecting Canada.
On screen text: CSE (Communications Security Establishment)
On screen text: The most important organization you've never heard of.
On screen text: The most important organization you’ve now heard of.
On screen text: Apply now
On screen text: cse-cst.g.ca.ca/careers
On screen graphic: Government of Canada wordmark
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